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A humble step towards contributing to the Life Sciences Community

We conducted the second interactive session with the Metis Hive community and what a session it was! It started with a few participants hesitant to unmute themselves, let alone switching on their videos. We ended with discussions where everyone cheered us and the approach we are taking towards guiding the Life Science students.

What bothers me is that our students are not receptive even if we provide support. There is a huge mindset shift that is the dire need. With each passing day, as we interact with the community members in the WhatsApp group, on 1:1 mentoring sessions and these interactive virtual meets, we realize that the students are far from understanding what they want and how to approach a fulfilling career.

Well, this is a topic for another blog. Navigating back to our session details, we presented our exclusive “8-step framework for a fulfilling career”, which included the end-to-end process of achieving a career goal. Although this framework applies to all walks of our lives, we focused on Life Science careers to keep the conversation in scope.

The first in our 8-step framework is “KNOW YOURSELF”. We couldn’t emphasize more on the fact that it all starts from YOU. It is imperative to understand oneself before you start an outward journey.

We briefly introduced the 8-step framework and invited our participants to share their views and perception of the first step. We received some interesting answers around identifying our strengths. A participant indicated that it is equally important to understand what is NOT our strength. We couldn’t agree more. We contributed to the discussion by suggesting ways to help us identify our strengths and weaknesses. We did conduct a quick experiment where we asked our participants to enter their strengths and weaknesses in the chat box. We were happy to see that our participants could reflect on their skills.

What do our participants say about their strengths and weaknesses?

Participant 1

Strength - Communication, Presentation

Weakness - Negotiation

Participant 2

Weakness- presentation skills, Communication

Strength- Patience, Troubleshooting, Learning new skills

Participant 3

Strength: Communication, Conflict resolution

Weakness: Planning, Procrastination

Participant 3

Strength- trying to work on new experiments and formulating them, good in explaining my view and understanding them

Weakness- sometimes confused with my way, might be in planning.

Participant 4

I am strong at Writing, Communicating and Presenting my views, Explaining

I am weak at improvising, Refusal

Participant 5

Weakness- Communication and management, finding teammates.

Strength- Learning new things and exploring

Participant 6

Strength- Motivated, Problem-solving

Weakness- take time to plan my work, slightly introvert

Participant 7

I observe things very well, but I have lost my communication skills since I am at home because of the pandemic.

I am good at planning.

For anyone reading this blog, these examples could be a good place to start the process of knowing oneself.

We received several questions from our participants; one of the most critical and the most popular questions otherwise is, “How do I improve my communication skills if I am an introvert?” We discussed this briefly and gave the participant a few handy tips, which we will be putting in another blog soon.

We conduct such sessions every alternate Sunday, and we look forward to learning from our participants. We have always acknowledged the challenges Life Science students face, but these sessions have been eye-openers. There is so much more that is required, and we feel proud to be contributing in our humble ways towards the community.

So if you are a student or a Life Science enthusiast, you are invited to our Sunday interactive Sessions. Follow us on LinkedIn to stay updated with the upcoming sessions.

Key takeaways from the 2nd Metis Hive Interactive Session:

  1. The “8-step framework for a fulfilling career” includes the end-to-end process of achieving a career goal.

  2. The first in our 8-step framework is “KNOW YOURSELF”.

  3. It is imperative to understand oneself before you start a journey.

  4. Your Career Is Defined By You, Not Your Degree

  5. Few steps to know yourself better

    1. Identify your strengths and weaknesses

    2. Identify your mental blocks

    3. Create a growth mindset

    4. Reflect on your previous life decisions

    5. Recollect the compliments and feedback you receive from the people around you, your family, peers, or mentors.

    6. Ask people in your first-degree circle what they think as your strengths and weaknesses.

Feel free to reach out to us at for any queries or concerns.

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